Below we show you slide shows of several locations that have been greatly transformed since 2012. You can see how each location was transformed step by step.
Morseland Road
STOP sign is far from intersection. STOP sign is relocated to intersection. Morseland SB: STOP sign not visible through trees. At our request, DPW installed a second STOP sign on the rleft. STOP sign on left easy to see. Bushes in corner garden block visibility. Bushes cut back and maintained by PR&C. Bike Lane striped through intersection. View EB.
Cedar Street
STOP sign is too far from the intersection;, most WB drivers thus do not stop at the corner. There are many near-misses. Additionally, the crosswalk is cobbled, a trip hazard. The Carriage Road STOP sign is relocated to the intersection. A second stop sign added on the left. Ewe bushes in the berm by the path block visibility between pedestrians crossing who are crossing and approaching WB drivers. The utility pole adds to the lack of visibility. Dept. of Parks & Recreation removes one entire row of ewe bushes. Approaching drivers and pedestrians on the crosswalk now can see each other, and safety is increased. View east down Carriage Road . Each “Do Not Enter” sign now includes “EXCEPT BIKES.” There are cobbles on the west side and the east side of Cedar. Both are trip hazards. When the Two-way for bicycles passed, DPW removed all the cobbles and paved with asphalt. True crosswalks, such as this on the east side, were striped as such. Cedar crosswalk: Improved safety overall All striping of the EB bicycle contra-flow lane is complete, including Cedar Street.
Morton Road
Bullough Park
Original sign doesn’t indicate bicyclists are allowed to ride WB down the footpath. DPW adds “Except Bikes” sign to “DO NOT ENTER” sign. DPW engineers add this sign for drivers turning north onto Bullough Park DPW engineers add this sign for SB drivers Heavy foliage blocks visibility. Extreme shrubbery on both NE and NW corners block visibility. Invasive vines are killing the large trees. Phil and I clean up both corners and a DPW frontloader removes the excess. Cobbles at the base of the Carriage Road are dangerous. View toward east. DPW cleans up the cobbles and uses a technique to make the cobbles, and the approach to the intersection, safer. View westbound down Carriage Road. DPW uses a technique to repair and make the cobbles, and the approach to the intersection, safer. Eye-catching green bicycle lane for EB cyclists. Nice job! Eye-catching intersection markers. At end of footpath, two STOP signs for EB bicyclists. Drivers now stopping before Bike Lane to allow runners safe crossing
Beaumont Avenue
Difficult and unsafe for runners Cobbles with no curb cut adds to lack of safety, with cars auickliy coming around the bend Difficult and unsafe for people with disabilities to cross Cobbles were removed and the area paved, and new sidewalk added. A bollard prevents motor vehicles from entering the footpath. And new ADA-compliant curbs make it safer for pedestrians, people with disabilities and assistive devices, runners and bicyclists to enter and exit this footpath. Difficult and unsafe for bicyclists to cross View eastbound footpath and Walnut St. White striping and green intersection striping for the bike lane add to double yellow line to separate EB bicyclists from WB bicyclists from all other foot and bicycle traffic.
Lowell Avenue
Both STOP signs were located before the crosswalk, and far from the intersection. USPS relay box used to be located at narrow part of Carriage Road, blocking traffic when stopped to pick up or deliver mail to the box. STOP sign (with Right Turn Only Except Bikes) was relocated to the intersection. SB drivers on Lowell frequently stopped in the intersection to wait for green light. This blocked bicyclist and pedestrians from safe transit eastbound and westbound. DPW engineers striped an X through the intersection and posted a DO NOT BLOCK THE BOX sign, and Extremely heavy overgrowth at NE corner of Lowell and Carriage Road blocked all visibility around the corner. We asked Parks and Recreation to address this, and they did! And they’re maintaining it beautifully. Cobbles on the Carriage Road on the east and west sides of Lowell deteriorated terribly on the extreme weather conditions. These were becoming extremely dangerous for pedestrians. West Side crosswalk The cobbles were removed and replaced with asphalt. The pedestrian crossing was newly striped. Sharrows and double yellow stripes were added to designate lanes of travel.
Wauwinnet Road
Bicycles and Pedestrians Ahead Sign Added to Wausinnet SB. A STOP sign is docketed before Traffic Council and passed; the STOP sign is installed at the intersection. There is no STOP sign along the Carriage Road before Wauwinnet.. A STOP sign is docketed for the Carriage Road and approved. Soon one is installed. Bike Route signage is installed. Double yellow lines painted. Waiting for green intersection lines!
One single STOP sign on left, and located far from intersection. Stop sign moved closer to intersection; second STOP sign added, to the left. Pedestrian/Bicyclist sign added for drivers from Comm Ave No STOP sign for drivers heading south toward Comm Ave. DO NOT BLOCK THE BOX painted in intersection. DO NOT BLOCK intersection sign installed. STOP signs on Valentine before Carriage Road added to the left and to the right.